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Getting A New Dog In Your Home?

Kevin Schriver • Jan 25, 2022 these things, first!

So you have decided to get yourself a new dog in your home in the next few weeks and you are wondering what to do to prepare?

First off: Congratulations & Good Work!

"Congratulations" on making a decision to get a new pup in your world. Regardless of the dog's age and your situation, you will find mostly joy and happiness and a new level of responsibility ushered quickly into your life.

"Good work" because if you are reading this post BEFORE you get the dog in your house you are leaps and bounds ahead of most people who wait till the last minute to prepare. This will pay off exponentially for you with lower stress and a more enjoyable experience.

Here are a couple things you need to do before a dog comes into your home:

  1. Understand your dog as best you can
  2. Develop an exercise and bathroom plan
  3. Create the 5 critical relationships you need as a pet owner
  4. Find a local pet store

First, since you know you are getting a dog, do as much research as you can to acclimate yourself to the breed (and group) of dog you are getting. Read books, watch YouTube videos, and ask friends or pet professionals what to expect with your breed or mix. If you are getting a puppy and you can meet or see the parent's of your dog that will help to determine what type of personality you are generally hoping to expect to come into your house. Nothing is worse than an energy or personality mismatch. Your job as pet parent is to LEAD the dog to a win-win relationship.

Next, learn or discover a preferred route for you and your dog to get outside to go to the bathroom first, and then enjoy a nice calm but brisk walk every time you go outside.

If you have a puppy, the bathroom strategy is something you will need to execute on multiple times a day for a few weeks until your puppy gets fully potty trained. Also, that same process will help your puppy gain confidence if you live in the city with lots of distractions.

If you are getting an adult dog, then longer walks is the name of the game and knowing where are going in advance helps reduce your stress level by having a planned route. Don't forget to have yourself a good jacket and shoes that are both warm and comfortable. You need to be able to exercise and walk every day regardless of the weather (Yes, I know Pittsburgh weather stinks some times--get some good gear and get out there!).

You should get these 5 critical relationships that can assist in all areas of your dog's needs:

  • Regular Local Vet
  • 24/7 Emergency Vet
  • Kennel/Boarding Facility
  • Dog Walker/Pet Sitter
  • Dog Trainer

If you live in Pittsburgh and would like to see a list I compiled of these 5 (plus many more) you can grab yourself a copy here .

Depending on your work or travel schedule, you may use the Dog Walker/Pet Sitter or Kennel Facility first for getting help for your dog, so make sure to connect with them sooner rather than later. You will need to have an appointment set with a local vet to help establish a relationship and plan of care. An emergency vet or dog trainer is important to have even though you may not need them on day one. In the end, it is much better to have these relationships and not need them, rather than need them and not have them.

Lastly, a local pet store is helpful to find a good collar and leash that fits your dog, plus also have food and treats and all the other necessary items that you will need on the first day with a new dog. A good Pittsburgh pet store can be found in the Pittsburgh Pet Owner Resource Guide.

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